Outstanding achievements in design and technology are part of the forgotten cultural heritage of the former Yugoslavia. It is about modernist architecture, exciting products in terms of quality and innovation, sensibly placed in the time and space of that time. Original, accessible, and useful products were created as a result of domestic know-how and were mainly intended for most of the population, the so-called working class.
JUS is an art project named after the renowned abbreviation for the Yugoslav Standard.
Our vision is to encourage and remind young artists, engineers, designers and the general public that the attitude towards creation, design and manufacturing in the time of Yugoslavia was considerably more advanced and modern then later acknowledged.
JUS presents the achievements of our recent history’s technical heritage from the days of our youth in a unique and graphically sophisticated way. Virtually every member of our generation still recalls Gorenje refrigerators, Tomos motorcycles, Bagat sewing machines, not to mention Zastava’s legendary car called Fičo.
The concept of the JUS Project and its illustrations are the creations of Darko and Marko Miladinović. The Miladinović brothers, who have been working in the field of visual communications, design and the creation of novel brands for over 25 years, have combined their knowledge and love for retro design solutions from the era of socialist Yugoslavia, this time in the form of the JUS Project. Researching forgotten and too often discarded documentation of cult products, followed by illustrating these carefully selected items, can only be driven by a great passion for design and retro-chic culture. New devotees and fans later joined the enthusiastic JUS team, which now also consists of architect Gregor Zupan, who helps illustrate JUS products, and Tina Miladinović, who oversees sales, digital support and the brand’s social media presence.
“We revive the achievements of our history’s technical heritage from the days of our youth in a unique and graphically sophisticated way.”
Projekt JUS predstavlja kultne domače izdelke, katere je moja generacija cinično zanemarjala in se raje odločala za tuje, saj se nam je v naši primitivnosti zdelo, da bomo na ta način več vredni. »Tujega nočemo, svojega pa ne damo« smo razumeli kot floskulo, »bratstvo in enotnost« pa kot dolgočasno in obrabljeno frazo, s čimer smo dokazali zgodovini, da pravzaprav nismo bili vredni tistega, kar smo imeli. Zato je ta projekt še toliko bolj pomemben, saj ponuja navdih za nove generacije, za našo pa opomin.
Vsako področje ima svoje predmete. Mi smo imeli svoje. Niti slutili nismo, da bodo ti nepopolni, nereprezentativni tehnični predmeti 50 let kasneje postali del naše osebne nostalgije, topografija našega kulturnega in čustvenega področja, kjer smo nekoč živeli. Projekt JUS oziroma serija grafik Darka in Marka Miladinovića prek kultnih tehničnih znamk bivše Jugoslavije pripoveduje zgodbo o nekem obdobju, neki generaciji in nekem načinu življenja, ki se je odvijalo na teh področjih.
Ta projekt je nujen predvsem zame in za mojo generacijo, ki je bila biološko rojena v času SFRJ. Poleg tega je zame pomemben še iz enega razloga, saj sem v tej isti državi, SFRJ, zasnoval in ustvaril tudi svoj umetniški alter ego - Ramba Amadeusa, tako da bi bila lahko med eksponati tudi blagovna znamka Rambo Amadeus. Razlika je le v tem, da je Rambo Amadeus kot blagovna znamka SFRJ nekako uspel preživeti razpad države, v kateri je nastal, in obstati na območju bivše SFRJ, kjer uspešno deluje še danes. Za mlajše generacije je ta projekt izjemno dragocen, saj lahko spoznajo, kako je bila industrijska proizvodnja v času socializma kakovostnejša, funkcionalnejša in trajnejša od dobrin, ki jih dandanes proizvajajo v tržnem kapitalizmu.
JUS presents the achievements of our recent history’s technical heritage from the days of our youth in a unique and graphically sophisticated way.